Tuesday 24 February 2015

Lets make ‘An Official Loony Candidate for Worcester .’ a reality. Asks Baron Fullstop

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Raising funds for  Baron Fullstop to stand as a candidate for the Official Monster Raving Loony Party in Worcester . Down with Gravity --Up with Levity!!


Official Monster Raving Loony Party Manicfesto 2015 --The A to Z of being an Official Loony

To this very day the British voter still does not have the option of placing their X  in a box marked 'Non of the Above' at local and national elections. How do you register your disapproval of modern day politricks ?  you could spoil your paper or not bother to vote at all (but a vote that is not cast is a wasted vote.) or you can vote Official Monster Raving Loony Party , a vote for the OMRLP is a timely reminder that we are still here  and that we will still have faith in our democratic right to be heard.
Why Baron Fullstop? "I spent, what seemed like minutes , researching the so called main parties and soon realised that they all had one thing in common , they all use the full stop . This is a clever ploy because it separate's the lies into lots of little ones making them hard to spot . A loony thought entered my head, 'if only we could stop them using the full stop , all the little 'porkies' would become one BIG one that we could  easily see"
Voting at 18, Pet Passports & Pubs opening all day are Loony policies that have passed into English law . Because the Official Monster Raving Loony Party don't have to worry about feathering nests & hitching rides to Brussels on the gravy train, their candidates can concentrate on being sensibly loony.There will be lots of lunatics on your ballot paper but only one will be Official!! I'm asking you to help me be that Loony.

SOME THINGS ARE ABOVE LEVITY !! I don't like asking for money but unlike the 'old parties' there is no funding from the trades unions or city bankers for Loonies ( despite the offer of Laudships ) . Democracy is alive and well if you can afford it !! The Parliamentray Deposit is £500 and there are posters and leaflets to print and it has to be said that no Official Loony has ever retained their deposit and in all reality you'll have more chance of seeing Lord Lucan riding Shergar up your high street than me getting elected . So why am I asking for your help?
In October 2014 MP's had the chance to reinstall voter confidence with the Real Recall Bill , Real Recall meant the public could recall’ MPs who let them down, and insist on a by-election, unfortunately, those of us who believe in Real Recall were in a minority. The majority of MPs have decided a committee of MPs, and not voters, will decide if an MP may be recalled, which I see as an establishment stitch up . The incumbent MP for Worcester voted against Real Recall , almost as if he didn't trust his constituents . The voters of Worcester deserve to know .

So will you help me exercise my democratic right to make promises I can't possibly Keep?

"With so  many people telling us Great Britain is full, I propose we dig a canal from Lands End to John O'Groats , this will solve the unemployment issue, the diggings can be used around costal area's to increase our land mass and Ian Botham can paddle a canoe instead of walking."
"We will be reducing the speed of light because it’s much too fast. It will be 20 mph in Westminster because they prefer to stay less enlightened ."

If you would like to contribute follow the link >>> http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/an-official-loony-candidate-for-Worcester

Follow me on Facebook & Twiiter @BaronFullstop
Published & Promoted by Baron Fullstop Brockman , 7 Wyckham Court , Broadway , WR12 7HH .

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